Vehicles with Over-the-Air capabilities
Only certain INFINITI vehicles are equipped with in-vehicle modems capable of receiving Over-the-Air software and/or firmware updates when available. INFINITI does not impose any charge for providing Over-the-Air updates, but if you choose to visit an INFINITI dealer for assistance with such updates, dealer service charges may apply.
Software Agreement
INFINITI vehicles includes physical parts and/or physical components of such parts on which software and/or firmware (“Software”) is embedded or installed. Additionally, updates to Software may be made available by INFINITI for download and installation by owners from time to time as determined by INFINITI in its sole discretion. Such Software, and all updates thereto, including updates delivered by INFINITI to your vehicle over the air (collectively “Updates”), are licensed, and not sold, to you. A portion of the Software may contain or consist of open source software, which may be used under the terms and conditions of the specific license under which the open source software is distributed. For other Software, including Software for which there is no separate license agreement between you and the manufacturer or owner of the Software, the terms and conditions governing your right to use and the use of the installed Software, including any Updates, applications, services and content provided for or through the Software, are set forth in the End User License Agreement found at https://www.infinitiusa.com/owners/vehicle-resources.html. Your use of the Software, including any Updates, constitutes consent to the End User License Agreement’s terms and conditions.
NOTE: The End User License Agreement contains an arbitration clause. Owners may opt out of this arbitration clause within 30 days of the date of your vehicle purchase by sending a signed, written notice to INFINITI at the following address:
Customer Information Centre
INFINITI a division of Nissan Canada Inc.
5290 Orbitor Drive
Mississauga, ON L4W 4Z5

If you need assistance updating software in your vehicle, contact INFINITI toll-free at 1-833-283-1886.